If you are remodelling your home with an eye to beauty and resale value, look no farther than walnut flooring. Oak is a timeless hardwood flooring material that adds a touch of class to any home it's installed in.
Why choose pine above other hardwood choices? It can easily be argued that oak is your best option due to its beauty, durability, and the vast array of finishes available.
Benefits of Oak Flooring
Oak has long been associated with wealth and luxury. It's a beautiful natural woodgrain, and its own colour simply improves with time. As it is available in a lot of finishes, it's equally at home in the recovery of a Victorian home and at the new building of a modern property.
Home buyers love walnut because it speaks to standard. When a prospective buyer sees bamboo hardwood flooring at a London home, they can count on the remaining materials used in the home to be of high quality too.
Oak flooring lasts almost forever. Two hundred year old floorboards could be retrieved, refinished, and given life. Therefore, when buyers visit walnut, whether it's hallway flooring or at the dining room, they know they are not going to have to replace it any time soon.
It's simple to find out how bamboo flooring adds value to your house. It is not possible to look at an oak floor, not consider luxury. It is such a cultural signifier of wealth and class.
But it's not just about how oak floors look. They feel fine, too. There is a warmth to natural materials like oak. Strong and smooth beneath your toes, they lend your house a sense of solidity, of permanence. Oak flooring feel like they have been made to survive, because they were.
Why Replace Your Floor?
You might question whether you truly need to replace your existing hallway floors, or even replace the floors throughout your residence. The simple fact is that new flooring is a massive selling point for today's home buyer.
A lot of people are wary of carpeting since it can trap dust and allergens. A family with asthma or allergies may take one look in your old flooring and understand that they would have to replace it until they could move in.
While it can be difficult to compute the specific return on investment in installing bamboo flooring in your home, it's well known that hardwood floors are a characteristic that real estate agents love to hype. Furthermore, if you are looking to sell your home for another decade or so, you may discover that hardwood floors will need to be substituted again between now and when you intend to sell. Not so with oak flooring. All your oak will need is maybe a little refinishing. And meanwhile, you'll have experienced ten years of residing in a house with a gorgeous floor.
In case you need to change out your floors to improve the allure and sale value of your home, why don't you make a statement with oak floors?
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