Hardwood Floor Sun Damage
You have invested a great deal on your hardwood flooring . However, when your floors are over-exposed to sun, they could fade, become stained and sew with time. To start off, the radiation management plays a role, of course. But gaps in humidity can issue, too -- moist wood responds differently to the sun's radiation compared to wood does. Below are five ways to prevent this annoying fading effect:
1. "Switch things up" together with your area's furniture.
Every few months, think about moving your carpeting around, shifting your furniture placement, etc.. You do not should make radical changes -- only scramble the decoration enough so that different regions of the flooring get unique levels of sunlight exposure.
2. Protect your floors with plants, curtains, or colors.
Just like the searing sunlight can burn your body, if you expose it too long; so, too, can the sun burn off an over-exposed floor. Use curtains or drapes to supply shade -- or plant bushes outside in front of the window to negate the sunlight's effects.
3. Refinish your flood floors regularly.
Do not wait until sun damage (or water damage... or another type of damage) gets too intense. By being mindful of your flooring, you can systematically"grab and thwart" sun damage until it becomes permanent or defacing.
4. Redesign the lighting scheme of your room.
For instance, rather than allowing harsh direct sunlight to shine through your windows, install UV-shielding windows or permanently colour the window and set up exquisite skylights to obviously light up the space without cluttering the flooring with sunlight.
Last, Consult with a Hardwood Floor Restoration Company
5. Discuss other solutions with battle-tested hardwood flooring experts.
The team at Floor Sanding Acton Is happy to give you insight to how to take care of your hardwood flooring -- to prevent sun damage, water damage and other forms of degradation. If your floors are so badly damaged they need to be refinished, Call us now at 020 3369 3145 To get a free estimate. Have a look at our hardwood flooring installation options to determine which flooring type interests you !
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